Intelliscreen 2.1 available

Intelliscreen 2.1 available
Intelliscreen 2.1 available. Intelliscreen version 2.1 has been released. There are many bug fixes and enhancements including international language updates for Russian, French, Swedish, Czech, Brazil/Port.

This application needs a Jailbroken iPhone. In order to grab it, you can search for it via

Version 2.1 Enhancements:
+ Quickview (replaces swipe for SMS/Mail - Allows Delete/Mark Read)
+ Swipe TimeDate to left hides IntelliScreen, swipe right shows
+ IntelliAlert Icon - You can swipe to dismiss IntelliAlerts
+ Double Tap Mail Box to advance to next Mail Account
+ SMS Launch takes you to SMS conversation
+ Mail Launch takes directly you to Mail item
+ More Frequent Alert Intervals Options
+ Alert Duration Interval
+ Skin view now allows choice of cell separator
+ IntelliAlerts for Calendar Invites
+ HTTPS support for RSS Feeds
+ Detailed Help
+ When SMS set to new only, shows all messages (no longer groups message by sender)
+ Improved IntelliDial Logo
+ Improved Mail Performance
+ Mail Options screen uses On/Off instead of checkmark to enable accounts
+ Taskbar Icons integration with BiteSMS
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