How to secure your jailbroken iPhone SSH password against worm

How to secure your jailbroken iPhone SSH password against worm 1
Remember the First iPhone worm hits Jailbroken iPhones? The previous worm changed your wallpaper to an image of 1980s pop crooner Rick Astley. Now what? A new report says that a new variant of the original “Ikee” iPhone worm, called 'Ikee-B' like the first Ikee makes use of an SSH backdoor on jailbroken iPhones. This one targets jailbroken iPhones with unsecured SSH passwords. It is designed to steal passwords and financial details of people who log onto the website of the Dutch bank ING using an infected iPhone. So far all the infections reported are restricted to The Netherlands, but Ikee-B could potentially affect an IP range that includes several other European countries as well as Australia.

How to secure your jailbroken iPhone SSH password against worm 2
How to secure your jailbroken iPhone against worm? You can close your jailbroken iPhone’s vulnerability by changing your default SSH password. Here's a guide to change your iPhone SSH Password Using MobileTerminal:
0. Make sure you have Cydia installed on your jailbroken iPhone with OpenSSH installed.
1. You will need to have 'MobileTerminal' installed from the Cydia store;
- Search for MobileTerminal app and then install it on your iPhone.
- After MobileTerminal installed, Reboot your iPhone.
2. After installing the app, Start MobileTerminal app;
- In MobileTerminal, type 'su root' (without quotes) and tap return.
- When prompted for your password, enter 'alpine' (without quotes) and tap return again.
- Type 'passwd' (without quotes) and press return.
- Enter a new password and press return.
- Retype the new password again and press return.
- Your root password has been changed.
- Exit MobileTerminal.
- DONE! Your jailbroken iPhone is now a bit more secure than it was before. You are now protected from all current SSH backdoor security threats. Make sure to remember your new root password!

- There is no need to follow this guide if you haven’t jailbroken your iPhone/iPod Touch.
- We are not responsible if your iPhone blows up during this process or if you mess up and forget your password! Use at your own risk!
- As usual, it is suggested that you backup all your data before proceeding.
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