Rugged Motorola i680 on FCC

Rugged Motorola i680 on FCC
A new Motorola iDEN clamshell phone has been spotted at the FCC, it’s the Moto i680. The handset is likely headed for the Sprint Nextel network.

The Rugged Motorola i680 comes with an iDEN radio (800/900 MHz), two displays (internal + external), camera with flash that can take both photos and videos, Bluetooth, media player, support for PTX services, headset jack, and a microSD memory card slot. Neither Sprint Nextel nor Motorola has officially announced this cellphone.
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1 comments on "Rugged Motorola i680 on FCC"

"D B L" said...

I, for one cant wate. From what I have been able to research so far, This just what I'm looking for. I have seen others knock it before they have all the info...then I say If you don't like it- DON'T GET ONE! (Be a geek on your time) Time will tell how rugged it really is. I do hope the initial released phones dont have issues and require the bugs to be worked out. As far as the features it will have it sounds great after all IT'S A PHONE if toys are what your looking for go play on your pc at home. Come on Motorola GIVE IT TO ME!

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