Evernote for iPhone 3.2.1 released

Evernote for iPhone 3.2.1 released
Evernote for iPhone version 3.2.1 has been released. The new version comes with some improvements and bug fixes. Here’s what’s new:
+ Locally cached notes and offline notebooks are now excluded from iTunes backup, so syncing your device with iTunes is much faster than before.
+ Fixed several issues when migrating from previous versions, including the sometimes incorrect display of offline notebook sizes for Premium users.
+ Further improvements in sync speed
+ Improved the ability to extend an existing Premium subscription from within the app
+ Removed the standard “Turn off Airplane Mode or switch to WiFi” message when app is launched in Airplane Mode, since all locally stored notes and offline notebooks are fully accessible even without a data connection.
+ Fixed a bug that prevented the manual sorting of Favorite notes.
+ Lots of general enhancements and fixes

Evernote 3.2.1 for iPhone is compatible with iPhone and iPod touch. You can already download it from Apple AppStore.
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